“There are many SEO plugins installed on millions of sites.”
Yes it’s true these plugins are very popular.
We can indeed wonder why we want to create a new SEO plug-in when the market is already crowded.
Here are some popular SEO plug-ins:
Unfortunately, however, they do not manage all the aspects necessary to optimize content for natural referencing.
In the SEO there are three main categories to master:
SEO plugins are primarily designed to solve technical problems.
And they do it very well.
In just a few clicks, they automatically fix 80% of the problems.
Unfortunately, designers of WordPress themes and some dev plugins do not often understand the intricacies of SEO.
These themes, even premium, have many technical flaws for search robots.
SEO plugins bring technical solutions in just a few clicks.
When you save your page, they mainly analyze four fields (title, body of text, the tag title and the tag description) of your article.
If you have customized fields, they cannot read their contents.
Often the pages displayed are more complex than the only information encoded in the form of your page.
You have a header, a footer, one or two sidebars, and navigation menus.
Sometimes a template display will load content from other pages: for example a list of suggested articles to your visitors (pictures, titles, descriptions).
All these elements add “words” and “tags” that SEO plugins are not allowed “to see”.
So their analysis on the keywords is incomplete, even fanciful.
Sometimes they can even analyze content which is not displayed on your site.
And in some cases, your page displays are harmful to your SEO because they create a real semantic pollution.
You have the same groups of sentences that are repeated throughout your site.
We have designed our plug-in to complement these analyses by using a crawler that analyzes ALL the page displayed to your visitors (and googlebots).
And it allows you to reconstruct all the internal meshes of the site (list all the incoming and outgoing links of each page) to understand its strengths and weaknesses.
If you want to understand why classic SEO plug-ins are not effective on semantic analysis, come read this page.